Jura Giga X8c Professional - Hissing sound after the brew cycle, similar to dripp style coffee maker

    • Jura Giga X8c Professional - Hissing sound after the brew cycle, similar to dripp style coffee maker

      Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Giga X8c Professional | ca. Baujahr: 2017

      My X8c recently developed strange phenomena, after every brew there is for about 30 seconds
      hissing and popping very similar to what you hear at the end of the cycle using regular coffee maker.
      Then it can sit for hours completely quiet. After you make a coffee, same sound again.


      Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: JA | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: JA | Messgerät vorhanden: JA
    • Well, not sure what is the problem, all I know is the water enters the condenser and it steams and drains to the pan.
      Same when making coffee or after it does self cleaning when you turn it off.
      There is way more water in the pan after brewing than it was before this started.
      Help to solve this would be appreciated.

      It just occurred to me that this probably started to happen when the machine was connected to fixed water supply.
      Disconnected it again used container as water source and sure enough the problem virtually disappeared.
      Very strange.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Lifeisfun ()

    • Sorry, can‘t help. Never worked at a fix water machine.
      Something with the pressure reducer?
      Pressure should have only 0,2 bar!
      Immer logisch und Schritt für Schritt vorgehen. Blinder Aktionismus kostet Zeit und Geld.
      Küche: Jura GIGA 5 Pianoblack-Chrom Bj: 2012
      Büro: [sJura GIGA X3 ALU Bj: 2014
    • Lifeisfun schrieb:

      Do you think the pressure reducer works differently than that?
      Sorry - I never hat a machine with fix water in my hands.
      So I don´t know the parts built in and also don´t know what
      function seems to be correct or not...
      I think you should not guess you should measure.

      Have in your mind that the fuc*** Sysko pumps let pass water
      even with a relativ low pressure…
      Immer logisch und Schritt für Schritt vorgehen. Blinder Aktionismus kostet Zeit und Geld.
      Küche: Jura GIGA 5 Pianoblack-Chrom Bj: 2012
      Büro: [sJura GIGA X3 ALU Bj: 2014
    • BlackSheep schrieb:

      Lifeisfun schrieb:

      Do you think the pressure reducer works differently than that?
      Sorry - I never have a machine with fix water in my hands. So I don't know the parts built in and also don't know what
      function seems to be correct or not...
      I think you shouldn't guess you should measure.

      Have in your mind that the fuc*** Sysko pumps let pass water
      even with a relatively low pressure…
      I'm surprised that it didn't leak before the Sysko pump let the water to go in.
      From the Jura install manual the say that incoming water pressure can't exceed 4 Bar (about 70 psi).
      I'm confident I got that correct so must be the internal pressure regulator.
      It looks very similar to the one you find on any air compressor but in this case it is all plastic. To take it out would be major pain so I added one from reverse osmosis water purifier before the inline filter feeding the machine, and that solved the problem for now.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Lifeisfun ()

    • Hello,

      many parts from Jura-Professional can only be
      buyed by a Jura-Professional dealer. Komtra is
      not such a dealer and you have to look by
      authorized Jura Professional Partners.

      Immer logisch und Schritt für Schritt vorgehen. Blinder Aktionismus kostet Zeit und Geld.
      Küche: Jura GIGA 5 Pianoblack-Chrom Bj: 2012
      Büro: [sJura GIGA X3 ALU Bj: 2014

    Hilfe zur selbstständigen Reparatur von Kaffeevollautomaten (Jura, Delonghi, Siemens u.v.m.)