Jura J9.3 Impressa - Difference j9.2 vs j9.3 logic print

    • Jura J9.3 Impressa - Difference j9.2 vs j9.3 logic print

      Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: J9.3 Impressa | ca. Baujahr: 2015

      Hi all,

      I have a j9.3 that is switching itself off.
      I replaced one diode and machine was fine for a week. And same diode died again.

      Now i have the exact same logic (same numbers etc) from a j9.2 i place this in the j9.3 but machine is doing goes on and gives 3 beeps and switches off.

      I think its the difference in the rom? So i replaced the memorychip from the j9.3 logic to the j9.2logic.. machine turns on. Does something but its not initializing. Can somebody tell me what more i have to switch from j9.3 logic to j9.2 logic?

      I have the tools to solder en heat the logic etc..i am only missing and trying to understand there boards. Thanx!!

      Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: JA | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: JA | Messgerät vorhanden: JA
    • You can change the EEPROM but it will not work. The Controller has a different image.

      I wrote two articles about the EEPROM and suddenly switching off problem.

      You have to replace four 1N4004 Diodes (full bridged rectifier).
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      Allgemeine Fragen ins Forum, ich bin kein persönlicher Seelsorger, für Kaffeevollautomaten.
    • thanks tobias,

      I first replaced (ORIGINAL J9.3 LOGIC) 1 diode 1n5401 with the same one.. machine worked for 1 week perfect. suddenly same one died.
      I replaced all 4 with 1n5401 (MC) original is 1n5401 (LD).. but machine does nothing and after a few seconds it gives error 6. Do you think ITS because i used the (mc?)

      I still can place the eeprom back in the old j9.3 logic. If you say that the j9.2 logic is not gonna work :)

    • You can not use a J9.2 Logic for a J9.3!

      Read this, understand it and do your Job.
      Jura schaltet sich einfach aus

      I'm not a native English speaking Person. I had it for eight years at school. I think you doesn't understand what I want to tell you. I repaired a lot of Jura coffee machines, which switched suddenly off. I will not make pictures of every PCB, wich diodes have to be changed.
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      Allgemeine Fragen ins Forum, ich bin kein persönlicher Seelsorger, für Kaffeevollautomaten.

    Hilfe zur selbstständigen Reparatur von Kaffeevollautomaten (Jura, Delonghi, Siemens u.v.m.)