
Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 29.

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Z7 Impressa | ca. Baujahr: 2022 Hello Guten tag, we here in America have to deal occasionally with JURAS that have failed control boards. FRAGE: Can we substitute just the USA 120V CONTROL BOARD with European 220V? We need a frank opinion here from the JURA INTERNALS GURU.danke. Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: JA | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: JA | Messgerät vorhanden: JA

  • Excellent information, this answers many questions i have about the GIGA grinder. Too often we are working in the dark repairing Juras.

  • Ok! We got the exact answer here, so good of you, now I know!. Since I repair Juras at our shop in California for a fee, I am reluctant to force ANYTHING because if I break something I will be the one to ship it to Jura for 500€ or more which I will need to pay for. What does Jura's animation software permit you to do besides this? Are only authorized sellers of JURA allowed to have it?

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Giga X3 (G2) GIGA W3 US MODEL | ca. Baujahr: 2018 This concerns the GIGA ceramic grinder I need to do a manual adjustment of the actual grinder to make it grind FINER than it does currently. On the grinder, there is a calibration flag or clip that CAN BE MOVED to make it grind finer or coarser. Ok, I moved this flag so it can grind finer but the JURA machine somehow has to relearn this setting like it relearns brewer position, HOW DOES IT DO THIS AND WHEN? I need …

  • ??; It clearly states JURA J9 in the thread title. The machine attempts to boot up nothing ever shows in the display it just beeps 3 times and then shuts down. Do you have a diagnosis for this please?

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: J9 Impressa | ca. Baujahr: 2022 Jura J machine beeps 3x and then switches off. Fuse is good, Transformer voltages are good. Jura-Maschine piept 3x und schaltet sich dann ab. Sicherung ist gut, Transformatorspannungen sind gut. Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: NEIN | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: NEIN | Messgerät vorhanden: NEIN

  • Yes you are correct in that, this fabric tape is so flimsy it is almost a joke - tissue paper! I barely touched it and it tore! But it ALSO seems that there are two embedded rubber cylinders 3-4mm that grip each side of the metal rail creating friction as they slide. It looks more like these wear out so the spout becomes loose on the rail; the fabric tape seems more for the purpose of covering up the empty internal space made as the spout moves up and down.

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Giga X7 Professional | ca. Baujahr: 2018 Good people, we repair Jura here in the USA and are seeing a disturbing problem with the GIGA X7. The dual spout will NOT stay in place, it keeps sliding down! We removed panels to examine this and I see NOTHING obvious broken or worn - The only thing I see that could possibly be the issue in this complex mechanical assembly, is dual rubber strips in the vertical metal rails that may be WORN OUT. I do not see any other solu…

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: X8 | ca. Baujahr: 2019 Hello good people. we do a lot of JURA repairs here in Los Angeles, California USA and we are having many problems with the AROMA grinder. They seem to be DEFECTIVE after some time. This grinder has the small disk under the cone with the 3 small sweeper fins and it has the thermal sensor inside the grinder chamber. What seems to happen is that this 41mm wide disk under the cone wears out, the small fins wear down and can no longer push the g…

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Giga 5 | ca. Baujahr: 2020 Greetings, I need to hear from the serious technicians on this issue. Someone did reply that ERROR 10 on Giga means the grinder will not activate however there must be further info - what is the TYPICAL cause of this error? Is it a problem with the brushes? Do the Hall sensors go bad? Please, this is an annoying error can somebody shed light on this! Herr Schwartz /USA. Grüße, ich muss von den ernsthaften Technikern zu diesem Thema hören…

  • Attach together with a screw after carefully pre-drilling both rack and piston. This requires a drill press and precision drilling. This works great. No glue can be used, melting the delrin won't last either.

  • The brewer is jammed / insufficient voltage to brewer motor / LOGIC FAILURE in control board, All must be considered.

  • HELLO t The unique ENA MICRO brewer is subject to a serious malfunction not seen in any other JURA brewer that could cause this problem. Occasionally, the U-GEAR inside with the small wheels SPLITS IN HALF or it may have partially split. There are plastic rivets that do not hold on this part, remove the brewer and check underneath CAREFULLY.

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Giga 5 | ca. Baujahr: 2018 Please who are the experts out there who KNOW what this Error 10/11 "HALL SENSOR FAILED" is? Most often this points to some other SIMPLE issue, can somebody help me here? Bitte, wer sind die Experten da draußen, die WISSEN, was dieser Fehler 10/11 „HALL SENSOR FAILED“ ist? Meistens deutet dies auf ein anderes EINFACHES Problem hin, kann mir hier jemand helfen? Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: JA | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: JA | M…

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: Z6 | ca. Baujahr: 2020 G3 Aroma Grinder Frage. Wozu dient der Kunststoffring, der in der Nut des Z6-Mühlrings sitzt? Ich kann mir nicht erklären, was das alles bewirkt! Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: NEIN | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: NEIN | Messgerät vorhanden: NEIN

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: WE8 | ca. Baujahr: 2020 Hallo, kann uns jemand erklären, wie man die obere Ringbaugruppe des schwarzen „AROMA“-Grinders zerlegt. Bei allen anderen JURAS hat dieses Teil in WEISS zwei Verriegelungslaschen, mit denen sich die Baugruppe leicht lösen lässt, damit Sie den Ring entfernen können, der von zwei Kunststoffclips gehalten wird! Aber beim AROMA finden wir es unmöglich, dieses Plastikgehäuse zu öffnen! Es wird NICHT auseinanderfallen! Wie es geht! Herr Schwartz…

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: X9 Impressa | ca. Baujahr: 2020 Hello I need to remove the top panel to access / replace the steam boiler! I need to REMOVE the adjusting rings on top to lift the top panel off How do do this without breaking them !! Hallo, ich muss die obere Abdeckung entfernen, um auf den Dampfkessel zugreifen / ihn ersetzen zu können! Ich muss die Einstellringe oben ENTFERNEN, um die Oberseite abzuheben Wie geht das, ohne sie zu zerbrechen !! Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: N…

  • Hersteller: Jura | Typ-/Modell: S8 | ca. Baujahr: 2003 Hallo, ich brauche den Schaltplan für das alte Modell S8!Dampfkessel hört nicht auf zu heizen! Verbrennt thermische Sicherungen. Mechanische Kenntnisse vorhanden: JA | Elektrische Kentnisse vorhanden: NEIN | Messgerät vorhanden: NEIN

  • The brew group has failed. The Ena Micro brewer is a junky brewer and the U-GEAR internally has a habit of coming apart, this cannot be repaired. If you hear a loud strange SNAPPING noise, this is what has happened. Replace the brewer,.

  • Dieses alte Modell hat 2 Kessel! Gibt es hier einen Elektronikspezialisten, ist das ein TRIAC-Problem? Wo ist der Dampfkessel TRIAC?


Hilfe zur selbstständigen Reparatur von Kaffeevollautomaten (Jura, Delonghi, Siemens u.v.m.)